

Hey, what’s up?  Thanks for visiting!  So, I like to think of myself as a happy person.  Not that I don’t get blue, or stressed, or totally pissed at people sometimes, but I like to think that I have a propensity for joy.  I like to try to find joy in the little things in life, and try to remind other people that they are there too, just waiting to be found.  This has been a LOT easier since my divorce.  Also, since I started relying more on God.  No, I’m not a bible thumper, but I totally believe that God’s love and blessings in my life are the main reason I can find any happiness or contentment in this world.  When I was a teenager, I did a daily bible study course, and one of the things we were supposed to do was keep a "Joy Tracker."  We were supposed to think of at least 10 things that brought us joy that day.  It sounds simple, but when you are at the end of a bad day, it can be realy hard!  The exercise of trying to come up with this list has made such a huge difference in my life, I want to try to get back to that practice here.  So no, I am not all sunshine and rainbows, but the point of this blog is to track my joy.
Some other things to know:  I’ve been dieting for almost 2 years now and am finally looking good!  This is leading to more and more dating (which is about 80% stress and 20% fun, but whatever).  I love food (there’s a reason I was so fat), and I love boys!  Oh, also love my dog, Molly.  So yes, expect to hear a lot about food, dieting, exercise, dating, and my dog.